Tag Archives: Venerable
Akathist to our Venerable Mother Alipiya
Kontakion 1 Chosen from out of the many in the host of Holy New Martyrs, thou hast appeared in latter days to comfort and edify people gone astray, O constant intercessor for the city ofKiev. As thou hast love so inexpressible, we dare to offer thee our humble praises, crying: Rejoice, [...]
At Great Vespers
At Great Vespers, Blessed is the Man: 1st Antiphon. At Lord I have cried: sticherae 8, in the 5th tone. Podoben [pattern melody]: O Co-eternal Word… Rejoice now, O Kievan land,/ for thou hast received an unfading treasure./ In thee has blossomed a great ascetic,/ one quick to help in troubled times, most-marvelous Alipiya,/ given [...]