Kontakion 1
Chosen from out of the many in the host of Holy New Martyrs, thou hast appeared in latter days to comfort and edify people gone astray, O constant intercessor for the city ofKiev. As thou hast love so inexpressible, we dare to offer thee our humble praises, crying: Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Oikos 1
The Angels were amazed to see a frail woman in these latter days worthily emulate the image of ancient fathers, combining in herself gifts of the Holy Spirit shown to serve theChurchofChrist, and we exclaim of thee:
Rejoice, thou who art enlightened by the word of wisdom;
Rejoice, thou who showest forth the word of knowledge.
Rejoice, thou who art strengthened by faith;
Rejoice, thou who art glorified with the gift of healing.
Rejoice, O great worker of miracles;
Rejoice, O special prophet.
Rejoice, thou who hast instilled Christ in thy heart;
Rejoice, thou whose life was spent in humility.
Rejoice, thou who didst bring thy body joy through fasting;
Rejoice, thou who hadst strengthened thy soul with prayer.
Rejoice, thou who hadst made almsgiving thy rule;
Rejoice, thou who hast covered the sins of the weak.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 2
Seeing before thee the Image of Christ our God, thou didst heed the words of the Apostle that we have here no permanent city, and didst eagerly rush to follow Christ and serve Him alone throughout thy life. And having counted everything earthly as nothing, and proceeding toward the Heavenly Homeland, thou didst cry: Alleluia.
Oikos 2
Enlightened by Divine Reason, from childhood thou didst prepare thy heart to be the throne of our Lord God. Thou didst not fear to leave thy homeland and thy people, to endure shortages and offense, to wander from church to church. Thou didst find nourishment in Divine quiet, and, didst emulate all the saints, the God-pleasing ones who wandered in the deserts and in the caves of the earth, the ones of whom the world was not worthy. To thee, we vain ones thus cry out:
Rejoice, glory of the Church Triumphant;
Rejoice, intercessor and boast of the Church on earth.
Rejoice, quiet manifestation of Divine grace.
Rejoice, constant amazement to those who are infirm;
Rejoice, from childhood filled with the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, clairvoyant, seeing into the souls of men.
Rejoice, honored for humility by the Lord our God;
Rejoice, by Him blessed to be a Fool for Christ.
Rejoice, God-chosen child of the city ofPenza;
Rejoice, holy scion of pious parents.
Rejoice, thou who didst direct praying for our parents;
Rejoice, who in prayer didst carry thy parents’ Cross.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 3
As thou workest miracles through the power of the Most-high, O venerable mother, no one coming to thee goeth away unconsoled: to the sick thou bringest healing, to the sorrowful, maternal comfort, to sinners despairing of salvation, correction and quick forgiveness from the Lord God. To whom but thee should we then come, crying out to God in repentance: Alleluia.
Oikos 3
Possessing a heart that through the Holy Spirit came to know the Lord’s love in hard times of trial for the Russian Church, when the Lord called archpastors and pastors, monastics and lay people to bring themselves as innocent sacrifice, then with the choir of holy New Martyrs didst thou, Venerable Mother, say that not sorrow, nor narrow straits, nor death could separate thee from the love of God. Wherefore with unworthy praises do we hope to honor thee:
Rejoice, true child of Christ’s Church;
Rejoice, thou who for Christ’s sake didst endure prison.
Rejoice, thou who didst love ascetic struggles of New Martyrs;
Rejoice, thou who wast not ashamed to be called a Christian.
Rejoice, thou who didst meekly pray in prison;
Rejoice, thou who didst not respond in kind to persecutors.
Rejoice, thou who with good didst vanquish malice;
Rejoice, thou whose patience hath shamed the foe.
Rejoice, thou who art become one of the New Martyrs;
Rejoice, thou, miraculously saved from thy sufferings.
Rejoice, thou who helpest us in time of trial;
Rejoice, thou who consolest those in despair.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 4
The enemy of mankind, who throughout thy life wished to shame thee, raised up a storm of malice, but could not sway thee, O our venerable mother Alipiya. Thou didst cross unharmed over all manner of temptations. Now hast thou found a quiet harbor and enjoyment of paradise according to the words: “I will grant to the victorious to eat of the Tree of Life.” Thus direct also thy spiritual children, teaching us to sing to God with one voice and one heart: Alleluia.
Oikos 4
Having heard of thy great love for those who suffer, all peoples stream to thee, and despondency abates, despair vanishes, sinners sick at heart find consolation and thank God that there is such a woman of prayer. Wondrous are Thy works, O Lord, and so we joyously cry out:
Rejoice, consolation of the sorrowful;
Rejoice, carer for those gone astray.
Rejoice, compassion for the suffering;
Rejoice, satiation for the hungry.
Rejoice, thou who hast found room for all in thy heart;
Rejoice, thou who burnest with love for each and everyone.
Rejoice, woman of most fervent prayer;
Rejoice, devoted advocate of the Orthodox faith.
Rejoice, thou who hast a kind charitable heart;
Rejoice, our long-suffering mother.
Rejoice, thou who showest kindness to those condemned by all;
Rejoice, intercessor for us before God.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 5
The Lord hath worked a most-glorious miracle with thee, O venerable mother Alipiya, when the Apostle Peter appeared to thee in prison and, having mercy on thee, led thee out, just as the Apostle himself had been saved by the Angel of the Lord. For that reason thou throughout thy life thou didst revere the Holy Apostle, crying out in thanks: Alleluia
Oikos 5
Seeing the Lord’s mercy come upon her, the Holy One saw her liberation from the prison as a sign: henceforth to dedicate her life to charity, and to be of service to the sick. Wherefore she brought to God her humble prayers for the resurrection of the dead young girl, and for the deliverance from famine of the impoverished folk whose stock animal she healed. There is no malady over which thy heart did not feel pain, and no sorrow over which thou didst not mourn. Wherefore, with all our soul do we so bless thee:
Rejoice, for thou didst demonstrate the miracle of Resurrection;
Rejoice, for in so doing thou didst emulate Venerable St. Sergius.
Rejoice, for with thy prayers thou didst heal wounds;
Rejoice, for at thy blessing did tumors disappear.
Rejoice, for thou didst keep secret grace-filled healing treatment;
Rejoice, for thou didst flee from human fame and glory.
Rejoice, thou who by means of food didst work healing;
Rejoice, thou who with thy cloak dost now bestow healings.
Rejoice, for thou didst take pains, not to receive this gift, but to please God ;
Rejoice, for the Lord God bestowed this gift upon thee.
Rejoice, worker of many wondrous miracles;
Rejoice, for out of love for thee the Lord doth hear thy prayers.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 6
O Venerable Mother: thou hast shown faithful obedience to the Gospel words: the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself, and that no one hath greater love than he who layeth down his life for his friends. Day and night didst thou labor for thy neighbors, with compunction entreating our Lord God to help his errant children, feeding and healing, edifying, and comforting them. With thankful lips do we then cry: Alleluia.
Oikos 6
In our land hath shone forth the beneficial light of thy great virtues. As inSt. Petersburgwith Blessed Ksenia, as inMoscowwith Blessed Matrona, so did the Lord stay with our city, and there appeared to us a woman emulating the struggles of Venerable Fathers of theKievCaves. For she did love the Caves Lavra, and there performed great ascetic feats. In that, we faithful, do rejoice:
Rejoice, for to the end thou didst adopt the image of a Fool for Christ;
Rejoice, for thou didst emulate Ksenia of St. Petersburg.
Rejoice, for thou didst call thy visitors thy children;
Rejoice, for throughout life thou didst not lie down in a bed.
Rejoice, thou who didst weigh down thy body with heavy chains;
Rejoice, thou who didst signify each new child taken on by hanging a key from thy neck.
Rejoice, for with that key thou didst open the person’s soul;
Rejoice, thou who wast gratified to love the Lord our God.
Rejoice, for by God’s grace thou didst lead sinful souls to healing through repentance;
Rejoice, for thou didst converse with Angels.
Rejoice, thou who didst take nourishment from little food;
Rejoice, thou who on Wednesdays and Fridays never took in any food..
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 7
Wishing to do the Lord’s will, thou didst submit thyself to Elders Kronid and Damian, cutting off thine own will, moving into the hollow of a tree and there disposing thyself toward the good. Marveling at such ascetic feats, do we in praise sing: Alleluia
Oikos 7
The Lord did show thee to be a zealous pillar at the Caves Lavra, where in illness and physical suffering thou wast filled with the Holy Spirit. Humbling thy flesh with fasting and cold, in spirit didst thou soar to the gathered Venerable Fathers, and strengthened by them didst achieve spiritual heights. Recalling such devotion, we thus cry:
Rejoice, thou who wast clothed by Elder Kronid in the angelic rank;
Rejoice, thou who hadst cast aside thoughts of the body.
Rejoice, thou who through prayer didst vanquish temptations;
Rejoice, thou who through patience didst cut off self-will.
Rejoice, thou who didst pray to God by night;
Rejoice, thou who didst love unceasing prayer.
Rejoice, thou who didst regard thyself as but dust among men
Rejoice, thou who didst accomplish humility;
Rejoice, thou who didst live in the cramped quarters of the tree;
Rejoice, thou who ever wast standing firm;
Rejoice, thou who didst never give thy flesh over to comfort.
Rejoice, true image of complete self-denial.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 8
Now is a strange, most-marvelous wonder shown to all the faithful. The Lord, long suffering and plenteous in mercy, hath not been angered with us to the end by our lawlessness; recalling His mercy both in days of old and still today, He hath given us thee, O wondrous mother, an intercessor and consoler, who hath lived with us and who knoweth our illnesses. Thus hath she filled our hearts with hope and joy, crying: Alleluia.
Oikos 8
O Venerable Alipiya, when new persecutions were visited upon the Church of Christ, thou didst come, all aflame with love for God, to that place where thou didst continue service done by the Goloseyev Fathers, shining forth the light of faith and piety to the entire world. Many people gathered to receive thy blessing. Thou didst abide there, as in a desert, to the end of thy life, and even now, thou grantest aid unstintingly to those who come to thee, crying:
Rejoice, thou for whom hills and gullies were places to pray;
Rejoice, thou who there didst battle unclean spirits.
Rejoice, lover of maintaining desert silence;
Rejoice, holy protectress of that place.
Rejoice, thou who didst entreat God to grant a healing spring;
Rejoice, thou who didst bless its waters with thy prayers.
Rejoice, thou whose water brings healing;
Rejoice, thou who didst struggle in spirit for salvation.
Rejoice, thou who didst stand guard over demolished churches;
Rejoice, thou who didst instruct that the Angel of the Throne should be honored.
Rejoice, great boast of the Goloseyev Hermitage;
Rejoice, glory shining from from that Monastery.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 9
All those who, hemmed in and burdened by various earthly matters, misfortunes, and sorrows, came to thee for prayer and blessing, didst thou, O venerable mother, comfort like unto a parent comforting his child in times of sickness of sorrow: with your assistance bringing them extreme joy, and with maternal love lightening the load of their woes. For through thee even unbelievers and atheists have come to God. We humbly pray thee: to us who come to thee in times of misfortune, temptation, misunderstanding, and doubt, speak words of consolation, instruction and encouragement, that having been shown thy great favor and kindness, we might sing to God in thanks: Alleluia.
Oikos 9
Man’s oratory is insufficient to describe the greatness of God’s mysteries, past or future, how thou didst foresee the present, didst read human thoughts as if written in a book, how thou didst grant healing to those chilled by the evil one, how by thy prayers the suffering received easing of their maladies, how earthly elements did heed thy voice. Therefore do we, at a loss to understand, say:
Rejoice, thou who with a two-week fast didst obtain rain for the earth;
Rejoice, thou who could direct that there be no rain.
Rejoice, thou who didst clearly foretell the tragedy ofChernobyl;
Rejoice, thou by whose prayers the Lord did lessen the resultant woes.
Rejoice, thou who did show compassion both for dumb creatures and for our land in woes;
Rejoice, thou who didst warn of the suffering to come in Passion Week
Rejoice, revealer of those fomenting schism;
Rejoice, for thou didst criticize the impious.
Rejoice, for thou by signs didst condemn the new calendar;
Rejoice, for thou as a Fool for Christ with vivid words didst reveal God’s mysteries.
Rejoice, for thou with seeming madness didst reveal the madness of the world;
Rejoice, O faithful, blessed and true servant of the Lord.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 10
Filled with the salvific fruits of ascetic struggle, thou wast in particular invested with humility, O Venerable Mother Alipiya, and keeping from holding a high opinion of thyself, thou didst entirely devote thyself to serving others. It is a marvel to see thee walk about in old patched clothing, and with bright eyes receiving all, rich and poor, leaders and simple folk, with equal love, and speaking useful needed words to each. Wherefore we loudly say from the depths of our souls: Alleluia
Oikos 10
Thou didst appear as an unassailable wall and intercessor for the city ofKiev, O all-blessed Mother Alipiya. Let not our prayers to be in vain, for it is by thy blessing that we live. For we have no others, merciful ones of prayer before God like unto thee. We are thy children. Should we merit punishment by God’s righteous judgment, be thou for us a compassionate mother, as we believe that thou canst implore the Lord on our behalf, and out of the abundance of the heart do we joyously proclaim:
Rejoice, salvation of those who love and honor thee as intercessor;
Rejoice, bringer of health to souls and bodies.
Rejoice, humble preacher of Christ’s Gospel;
Rejoice, devoted keeper of Apostolic traditions.
Rejoice, for thou didst humbly offer succinct criticism to sinners;
Rejoice, for thou wast one who is impartial.
Rejoice, for in thy cell thou wast made worthy to see the saints.;
Rejoice, for thou didst endure attacks of the enemy for thy love for people.
Rejoice, thou who didst never abandon thine asceticic struggle;
Rejoice, O thou, devoted to the Demiev church.
Rejoice, for in that church thou didst venerate the icon of Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul;
Rejoice, thou who didst watch over that church in prayer.
Rejoice, for by thy words thou art established in that church..
Rejoice, for thou didst bring with you joy to that church.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 11
Thou didst bring most tender chant to the Most-holy Trinity at thine end, and like unto the ripened wheat, didst thou say together with the Apostle: “the time of my departure is at hand. I have fight a good fight, I hve finished my course, I have kept the faith.” And now a crown of truth hath been prepared for thee, one given thee by the Lord, the righteous Judge. Rejoicing in thy glorification in heaven, we sinners cry: Alleluia.
Oikos 11
Thou wast a radiant lamp, O most-glorious Alipiya, that is not put under a bushel, but on a candlestand, to bring light to all. Let thy light so shine before men, that they might see thy good works, and glorify our Father, which is in Heaven. Moved by love for thee, we call:
Rejoice, for after thy repose thou art not separated from us;
Rejoice, for at thy death thou didst bless thy children with the Cross.
Rejoice, for thou didst direct that this blessing be preserved;
Rejoice, for thou didst promise not to leave the orphans.
Rejoice, intercessor before the Lord who cannot be put to shame.;
Rejoice, one who prayeth to the Theotokos without cease.
Rejoice, abundent manifestation of love and compassion;
Rejoice, benevolent champion of our souls.
Rejoice, for consistent with thy name, thou dost remain untroubled;
Rejoice, for thou dost reap the fruits of eternal joy.
Rejoice, thou who with the Fathers of the Caves bringest God praise, honor and glory.
Rejoice, for thou singest a new song in theKingdomofHeaven.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 12
Thou didst receive God’s grace to direct us onto the path of truth, and not allow our souls to perish. Thou dost entreat the Lord that He save us and allow us in eternal life to joyously meet with thee, that by thy prayers we might attain to theHeavenlyKingdom, to the Church Triumphant, and cry out to the King: Alleluia.
Oikos 12
Hymning thy glorious death and repose with the saints, thy spiritual children bore thee away, with hearts filled with much sighing and sorrow, but recalling thy words that thou art not dying, they follow thy testament, come to thy holy relics, and with both hearts and lips cry unto thee:
Rejoice, thou from whose relics many miracles appear;
Rejoice, thou who gatherest new children from the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, source of marvelous sweet aroma;
Rejoice, O thou before whose relics candles miraculously light.
Rejoice, whose place here is illumined with heavenly light;
Rejoice, for new children offer heartfelt prayers to thee about their woes.
Rejoice, for thy image doth pour forth tears;
Rejoice, for sweet-smelling myrrh doth stream from it.
Rejoice, for there many possessed by demons receive healing.
Rejoice, for thy help is quickly given them.
Rejoice, O thou who easily drawest them from the abyss of perdition;
Rejoice, for through thy miracles, atheist hearts are enlightened by faith.
Rejoice, our mother Alipiya, filled with great love in thy heart.
Kontakion 13
(to be read thrice)
О most wondrous mother Alipiya! Accept these chants of praise, sung from hearts inflamed with love for thee. As in the past, so now continue to grant thy maternal aid to all of us in need of thy intercession before God. And as thou thyself knowest our sorrows, so dost thou also know deliverance. Meet it is that we hymn our God: Alleluia.
Repeat Oikos 1, and Kontakion 1.
O our venerable mother, Alipiya! In thy unwavering compassion and mercy, pour out upon us – the poor, weak and disparaged – but a small drop of thy gifts from our Sovereign Lord. Take us under thy help and intercession, free us from all evils and severe illness, entreat the Lord that He forgive us our sins, and by thy prayers do thou raise us up, the weakened ones. Allow us not, the unworthy servants [insert names] to utterly perish; be thou our refuge and help, leave us not without consolation, that we may all glorify the All-holy Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
О, great boast of Christ’s Church, O protecting wall and consolation of the city of Kiev, o Venerable Mother Alipiya! We fall down before thee and pray thee: be our unflagging intercessor before Christ our God, for we believe that shouldst thou entreat man-loving God, all will be granted thee out of the sea of His kind grace. Disdain not our plea, O thou whom we sinful ones entreat, as God is a lover of mankind, while we, on account of many sins dare not stand before Him. It is for thee, O Holy One, to plead on behalf of sinners, and for God to have mercy on those in despair. Ask, O Venerable One, for each according to his need: Quickly comfort and heal the ill, for thou dost work many healings, causing the mute to speak, the blind to see, those with fractured bones to rise from their bed of pain. Thou canst ask all this of the Lord, O Venerable One, if thou but pray to Him on our behalf. Make excruciating tumors to be no more. As thou didst heed a mother’s prayers, and didst by night appear unto the youth, showing the world a great miracle of healing, so do thou grant quick healing to those suffering from burns. In these difficult days, when lawlessness and injustice reign, ask on behalf of the offended, those unjustly condemned, those imprisoned, those suffering persecution because of envy, lies, and greed, intercede and rid them of slander and attack, for the Lord hath granted thee abundantly to intercede on their behalf. Bless and unite good marriages. Grant unto mothers in labor successful birth, and keep them and their children from all harm. Hear the fervent prayers of parents exhausted by grief over their children, so that their children might come to their senses, see the truth, evade the snares of the evil one, and find salvation eternal. Accept the prayers of children sorrowing over parents, that by thy prayers, their parents might see the light of Christ’s Gospel. Likewise, console the childless, and grant them fruit of the womb, that by thy blessing and maternal teaching, more true Christians might appear before the Lord. To those in need of thy help to perfect Christian marriage, send the Lord’s blessing as a companion to them throughout life, that through thy assistance to them, they might as families, as “little churches,” offer service to Christ God. And most of all, grant peace, calm, and sincere love, that we might be true disciples of Christ.
As thou didst appear to the man dying of drunkenness, and through thy blessing didst heal him of his sickness, so also grant to those who have given themselves over to alcoholism and drug abuse, those bereft of spiritual strength to leave their soul-corrupting waywardness, both spiritual strength and clarity of thought. By thy prayers, invisibly send down from the Lord to those who are alone and helpless, both consolation and the recognition of Christ’s true love, that they might know that our friends – angels and saints – invisibly watch over us. Accept the pleas of those suffering and in need, and by thy prayers grant them unexpected help, that they might have thee as their benefactor in their earthly life.
As thou didst safeguard the sorrowing woman bent on leaping from a great height and doing herself and her child harm, and didst save them both from the abyss of destruction, so be a quick comforter to all the faint of heart, to those despairing over life. We likewise pray thee, O Venerable One, that as thou didst preserve unharmed the youth struck down severely on the road, so keep us from a sudden death. Pour out thy help maternal upon students; grant them an increase in intellect, that they not be sorrowed in the difficult course of their education. Grant quick and proper resolution to troubles and difficulties in the many and various circumstances of daily life. Hear the prayers of those who sorrow and have gone astray, of those outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, that All-merciful God, Who knoweth their fate, might save them and bring them to knowledge of His truth. Send down to soldiers strength of body and spirit to performGod-pleasing service, that the Lord might keep them from all evil.
As thou, in love for the Lord and for His people, didst pursue ascetic struggle unto salvation, so do thou teach monastics to properly follow the Lord’s path, and strengthen them in their ascetic labors and in the carrying of their Cross. Grant unto bishops and priests true firmness in the Orthodox Faith, that they might faithfully, sincerely, shepherd Christ’s flock, rightly dividing [the Word of His truth], and walking irreproachably before the Lord. Grant unto our leaders and authorities wise governance of our people, that in concert with the Church, our land might be at peace and calm.
By thy prayers, open unto us the doors of God’s mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us not be ensnared by the nets of the evil one. O Venerable One, entreat our Merciful Lord for us, who are repentant, that according to the multitude of His mercies, He might forgive us our faults. And by thy prayers, do thou continue to preserve us uncondemned, to the end, that saved through thy help and intercession, we might always send up glory, praise, thanks, and worship to God, One in Trinity, Creator of all. Amen.